
On a Ninja Kick pt 2

After hurting herself two times by trying to flip around the living room:
Daddy:  Look, you can't be a ninja if you keep hurting yourself all the time.
Daughter: Look I can do a flip back (back flip for those of you who don't talk Sophia)
Daddy:  I don't want you to hurt....
Daughter:  OWWWWE (painful groan resulting after she bangs her hips into the coffee table)
Daddy:  I'm sorry, but you are going to bed now.  I told you not to be acting like a ninja any more!
Daughter: BUT I WANT TO BE A NINJA!  I can't play Black Cops (Call of Duty: Black Opts) now?

On a Ninja Kick recently

Daughter: When I get to grandma's house, can I show her my ninja skills?

Somebody is growing up!

Daughter: Mom!  Ken doesn't need his shirt on, he looks very pretty without his shirt!