
JT on the Radio

Daughter: Is this Percy Jackson singing this song?
Daddy: no honey.
Daughter:  Is it Micheal Jackson?
Daddy:  How do you know the name Micheal Jackson?
Daughter:  He sings the song with the monsters dancing.  And Percy Jackson kills monsters.

3 Hour Trip

Daughter: DADDY!
Daddy: Yes?
Daughter: Can we play 'Rocker, Paper, Snissors?'

Daughter: DADDY!
Daddy: Yes?
Daddy: Yes it does!
Daughter:  I farted...hehehe


Grandparents Day

Grandma: What do you want for breakfast?
Daughter: Cereal.
* Cereal is prepared and delivered.
Daughter:  I want eggs.
Grandma:  Sorry, but you need to finish your cereal first, because that is what you asked for.
*Turns dramatically to grandpa
Daughter:  We have a awkward problem Grandpa.


4 AM Randomness

* 4 AM
Daughter:  Daddy, Daddy, DADDY!
Daddy:  Yes!  What's Wrong?!
Daughter:  I'm not wearing any pants!
Daddy:  ...ok...?  Why not?
Daughter:  I don't know!
Daddy:  Did you pee your bed?
Daughter: No, I have to pee right now!
Daddy:  Then go pee, get some pants on, and go to bed.
* I hear the bathroom door open.  Then a toilet flushes.  Then nothing for a min.  Then I hear foot steps in the hallway.  I looked up and she's standing in the doorway with the bathroom light at her back, staring at the living room.
Daddy:  Boo, everything ok?
Daughter:  Yep.


Moon Cuteness

*Driving down the road at night
Daughter:  DADDY!  The moon is following us!
Daddy:  Yeah, that's what it looks like right?!
Daughter:  I never touched the moon.  Will I ever touch the Moon?
Daddy:  I'm not sure baby!  Maybe someday.
Daughter:  Is the moon a boy or a girl.
Daddy:  It's a rock.
Daughter:  Oh.  So is it a boy rock or a girl rock.
Daddy: It's just a rock honey.
Daughter:  It drives fast like you daddy, cause it's still following us.
Daddy:  Well it just looks like it's following us, because it's so far away.
Daughter:  What kind of car does the moon drive?
Daddy: ...

This how all little girls are?

Daughter:  Lets Fight!
*Runs away and comes back with two swords
Daddy: Ok...
*Massive sword fight ensues
Daughter: (*Pouty Lipped) Daddy...I want to kill you....Let me kill you...


Alice is where?

Daddy:  What do you want to watch on Netflix?
Daughter:  I don't know.
Daddy:  Oh I see Alice in Wonderland is on the instant stream now!
Daughter:  Yeah, I want to watch Alice in Underwear.


Daddy Daughter Date

Daddy:  Yay, Boo, we are here for our daddy daughter date!
Daughter:  No.  Not Bread Company.
Daddy:  Why not.
Daughter:  They don't have daughters there.
Daddy:  What?
Daughter:  Listen to what I am saying!  We not go to St. Louis Bread Company - they don't have daughters there!
Daddy:  Whatcha talking about?
Daughter:  OHHHHH (angrily).  They don't have donuts there.
Daddy:  So no donuts means that we can't have a daddy daughter date?
Daughter:  Are you listening to me or what?


Frogs do what?

Scene:  Daddy and daughter, driving back home.  We were not talking about frogs.
Daughter:  Daddy?  Do frogs bite?
Daddy: No honey.
Daughter:  We frogs do come in to the bathroom while I pee.
Daughter:  And they pee on me.
Daughter:  And the pee gets on my face.
Daughter:  And it goes in my nose.
Daughter:  And then it turns me into a boy.
Daughter:  And then I'll get really old.
Daddy: umm...
Daughter:  Is that crazy?
Daddy:  ummm....


"hia" ?

Daddy: Time to spell your name! Say "S-O-P"
Daughter: S-O-P
Daddy: H-I-A
Daughter: H-I-A
*Repeated the process 5 more times.
Daddy: Ok, now your turn!  Spell your name!
Daddy: Say, "S-O-P"
Daughter: S-O-P
Daddy: Now say the rest...
*Thinks and stutters for about 20 seconds...
Daughter: Rrrr....RIDE'EM COWBOY!


Qik - Soph Opening Presents by Toph01

This was my Daughter opening up her 'Peter'...  Sorry about the video quality and the sound - it's loud.  It's also really long.  She says the funny thing in the first few seconds anyway.


Hand me a Wipe?

I'm in the shower, just finished brushing my teeth.
Daughter: Can you give me a wipe daddy?
Daddy: Sure Honey, but why?
Daughter:  I have poop in my butt.
Daddy:  ah....Well let me check you then.
I checked, and saw no signs of any 'left overs'
Daddy:  Your all good.
Daughter:  Was there poop?
Daddy: No honey.  Why did you think there was?
Daughter: Cause it was on my finger when I checked.


Do Other Kids Really Do Things Like This?

Let me set the stage:
- There is a social worker in our home, because we were having a teen to live with us for a week or two.  The social worker talking about future situations.  I told the kids to stay in their room and clean.
Daddy:  Hey guys, make sure you stay in your room and clean up.
Kids: Ok
 - Literally, one minute later I hear them arguing
Daddy: Hey guys, you need to be quiet and clean up.
Kids: OK
 - Literally, 30 seconds later I hear them Laughing and yelling hysterically
Daddy: Hey really need you guys to stay quiet.
Kids: OK
 - So I come back out to the living room and talk with the social worker for a few more minutes.  When my daughter comes out laughing up a storm.  And says the following - in front of the social worker:
Daughter (Laughing, yells out): BUBBY IS PULLING DOWN MY PANTS! HA HA HA!
 - I'm speechless...(FYI, he wasn't really doing it we found out later.)


A Scar?

Daughter:  Daddy, can I get a scar for my birthday?
Daddy: You mean a car?
Daughter:  No I want a scar and a wand.
Daddy:  What are you talking about?
Daughter:  LIKE HARRY POWDER!  He has a scar on is head, and he has a magic wand.
Daddy:  Don't you think it would hurt?
Daughter:  Daddy, <*frustrated sigh*> just do it!


The Beast Movie

Daughter:  Daddy, I like the Beast Movie!
Daddy: Oh you mean, 'The Sandlot'?
Daughter: Yeah and that boy says 'Holy Sh##'
Daddy: Oh...yeah...hey that's a bad word - don't say that...


Number 2

Daughter: daddy, my poop isnt bad.  its just pee from my butt!


Qik - Soph Opening Presents by Toph01

Soph Opening up presents.  Happy BDay song below.  Quality is pretty low, but qik.com is the easiest way to share videos.  Soph is hilarious.  Thanks everyone for coming out!

Qik - Singing Happy Birthday by Toph01

Harry Potter

I was cleaning in the kids' room, when I heard a friend say, 'Boo, what did you get all over you??  Let's show your dad.'
Daughter (crying loudly now): I don't want to!  I just want to be Harry Potter!
I turned the corner to see what was going on.  She had taken a pen to her forehead so that she could look like Harry Potter:

Sadly, I didn't get a picture of her.


His What?

Babysitter:  Hey Boo what're you doing?
Daughter: Playing with Jackson's peter!
Babysitter: WHAT!?
Daughter:  Playing with JACKSON'S PETER!
Babysitter rushes in, and see's daughter playing with Jackson's computer!