
Grandparents Day

Grandma: What do you want for breakfast?
Daughter: Cereal.
* Cereal is prepared and delivered.
Daughter:  I want eggs.
Grandma:  Sorry, but you need to finish your cereal first, because that is what you asked for.
*Turns dramatically to grandpa
Daughter:  We have a awkward problem Grandpa.


4 AM Randomness

* 4 AM
Daughter:  Daddy, Daddy, DADDY!
Daddy:  Yes!  What's Wrong?!
Daughter:  I'm not wearing any pants!
Daddy:  ...ok...?  Why not?
Daughter:  I don't know!
Daddy:  Did you pee your bed?
Daughter: No, I have to pee right now!
Daddy:  Then go pee, get some pants on, and go to bed.
* I hear the bathroom door open.  Then a toilet flushes.  Then nothing for a min.  Then I hear foot steps in the hallway.  I looked up and she's standing in the doorway with the bathroom light at her back, staring at the living room.
Daddy:  Boo, everything ok?
Daughter:  Yep.


Moon Cuteness

*Driving down the road at night
Daughter:  DADDY!  The moon is following us!
Daddy:  Yeah, that's what it looks like right?!
Daughter:  I never touched the moon.  Will I ever touch the Moon?
Daddy:  I'm not sure baby!  Maybe someday.
Daughter:  Is the moon a boy or a girl.
Daddy:  It's a rock.
Daughter:  Oh.  So is it a boy rock or a girl rock.
Daddy: It's just a rock honey.
Daughter:  It drives fast like you daddy, cause it's still following us.
Daddy:  Well it just looks like it's following us, because it's so far away.
Daughter:  What kind of car does the moon drive?
Daddy: ...

This how all little girls are?

Daughter:  Lets Fight!
*Runs away and comes back with two swords
Daddy: Ok...
*Massive sword fight ensues
Daughter: (*Pouty Lipped) Daddy...I want to kill you....Let me kill you...


Alice is where?

Daddy:  What do you want to watch on Netflix?
Daughter:  I don't know.
Daddy:  Oh I see Alice in Wonderland is on the instant stream now!
Daughter:  Yeah, I want to watch Alice in Underwear.


Daddy Daughter Date

Daddy:  Yay, Boo, we are here for our daddy daughter date!
Daughter:  No.  Not Bread Company.
Daddy:  Why not.
Daughter:  They don't have daughters there.
Daddy:  What?
Daughter:  Listen to what I am saying!  We not go to St. Louis Bread Company - they don't have daughters there!
Daddy:  Whatcha talking about?
Daughter:  OHHHHH (angrily).  They don't have donuts there.
Daddy:  So no donuts means that we can't have a daddy daughter date?
Daughter:  Are you listening to me or what?